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Our projects include:

Radian - Our consulting company, the main contractor on most consulting projects (since July 2001).

Vanilla - Our Internet Services company, providing a range of application services as well as a selection as access products (since inception).

We provide services and skills to the City of Cape Town - for various ICT related projects.

Billy - An online billing system, for a reliable secure, and scalable hosted billing system..

MedPages - health information products (retained customer since inception).

Year 2011 (complete)

CITI - The Cape IT initiative, a non-profit organisation aimed at developing the Cape as Africa's foremost IT hub (volountary assistance since inception). This work includes board participation and in depth involvement in the establishment and development of the Bandwidth Barn.

Year 2007 (complete)

Bickley Terraces Luxury Guesthouse - an ultra-convenient, 4-star corporate comfort poised above the Atlantic Ocean

Classical.com - A UK based classical music catalogue company (client since May 2001).

The Lincolnian Trust - A renowned South African businessman created this family trust. We were involved in reestablishing some value for the beneficiaries.

Year 2006

Provincial Government of the Western Cape - E-government strategy development and implementation (client since March 2001).

AfriDNS - Research and development on African Domain names (volountary assistance since inception).

Year 2004

Joint Marketing Initiative - A new organisation (now named the Destination Marketing Agency) established by both local and provincial government to rationalise the publically funded marketing agencies and organisations (client since December 2001).

Presidential National Commission - Open Source Software and the Information Society: Policy and Strategy Recommendations to the Presidential National Commission of the Republic of South Africa includes primary and secondary research analysis involving all national government departments, review of case studies and best practice appropriate to the South African socio-economic position.

Year 2003

Haggai Institute - The project focused on the initial development of a web portal and content management system. Thereafter, we added advanced features - such as instant translation, video streaming and fully automated donations were added incrementally once the core site has been populated with initial content and is stable.

Year 2002

The NAIS project - an international project to review the nature of public representation in the Internet's domain name management organization, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Administered by the The Oxford University Programme in Comparative Media Law & Policy and funded by the Markle Foundation (client since March 2001).

Department of Trade and Industry - Research Study on the Implications of the Information Revolution for Economic development in South Africa. You can download the phase II report: ICT Diffusion And Applications in Eight Industry Sectors in South Africa

SAA - Research, design and develop an Integrated Customer Service Strategy.

Year 2001

Anglogold - Gold mining and now Gold jewellery manufacturing by OroAfrica.

De Beers - A diamond is forever.

Year 2000

Nexus - A pure Internet company using IBM technologies.

CLF - The Christian Literary Fund, printers publishers and fund raising.

VIPS - case-based training for healthcare providers.

Raven Naidoo
Mark Neville
Alan Levin